Great discussion on suffering!
Wow, what a great discussion on the SFA site on suffering from my August 1 post, 'Why does God allow suffering?'! Really good insights! In particular, someone asked about how to help his/her sister who suffers much. As we all do, the sister struggles to handle suffering the moment it hits in a Christ-like manner.
Might I suggest meditating on the seven "words" that Christ spoke from the Cross. Please check out my post on the SFA site from April 14, 2006, "The Seven Last Words of Christ".
I would specifically point to the word Christ cries out when he is experiencing some of his greatest pain: "my God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" At this moment, Anon, He is uniting himself to your sister (and to any of us) who feels "so alone in her suffering", as you wrote.
Does this mean that Christ lost his faith in the Father on the Cross? No. One of his next words is "Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit". He is one with the Father always. But, he is showing that, in his human nature, he is truly one with us, even experiencing the greatest pain of all: the pain of feeling alone.
Christ knows exactly how your sister feels, and is probably the only one who really does. And, she knows how He felt. She is united with Him in a very intimate way. If she can unite her words at the moment of agony to his "words", then I would say she is being about as Christ-like as a person can be in her Grace-filled situation.
Might I suggest meditating on the seven "words" that Christ spoke from the Cross. Please check out my post on the SFA site from April 14, 2006, "The Seven Last Words of Christ".
I would specifically point to the word Christ cries out when he is experiencing some of his greatest pain: "my God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" At this moment, Anon, He is uniting himself to your sister (and to any of us) who feels "so alone in her suffering", as you wrote.
Does this mean that Christ lost his faith in the Father on the Cross? No. One of his next words is "Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit". He is one with the Father always. But, he is showing that, in his human nature, he is truly one with us, even experiencing the greatest pain of all: the pain of feeling alone.
Christ knows exactly how your sister feels, and is probably the only one who really does. And, she knows how He felt. She is united with Him in a very intimate way. If she can unite her words at the moment of agony to his "words", then I would say she is being about as Christ-like as a person can be in her Grace-filled situation.
Anonymous said...
One can only wonder what the deleted comment said. I can see that your tenure here at the church will be marked by extreme conservatism. What a pity. I was hoping we would receive a priest who actually understood what it was like to live in the modern world. I'll be sure to skip your masses
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM
I have known Fr. Greg when he was a deacon here at St. Francis and even then he had great promises of becoming a wonderful priest. He now has become a wonderful priest! You should feel lucky to have him.
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM
WOW - only one comment to the anon who doesn't like what Fr Greg has to say or in his speaking the truth.....
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them" Matt 5:16
It is hard to hear the truth sometimes, but that doesn't mean the truth needs to change. Maybe we just need to look deeper, and we need to change.
Fr. Greg, keep doing what you are doing....winning souls to Christ.
Anonymous, at 6:07 PM
Anon #1, We are not called to live like the rest of the world/culture. John 14:15-17 If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always. the spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. Anon #1 , if you take the time to know FG, you will also know that he understands what it is like to live in the modern world. His teachings are about how to follow Christ today and every day. Christ' teachings haven't changed in over 2000 years-upheld by the Holy Catholic Church. Your church is truly blessed to have Father Greg. I hope that you don't "skip," his masses - what a loss for you! Also, personal attacks are not really what this blog site is for.....Maybe if you have questions or whatever, you should ask them instead.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
Wow! Anon #1 - where is the gratitude and respect for a holy man of God! Please stick to issues not personal judgements. Hey, too many of us Catholics are what I call "cafeteria" catholics. Oh I like this teaching but this other one is too hard! I am guilty of it sometimes myself! Father Greg is holding up the Truth, the entire Truth and nothing but the Truth. So it is time to get out of the cafeteria Catholicism mind set!
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM
I found out the deleted posts. Whoa is all I can say.
Thanks Fr. Greg for deleting them!!
Anonymous, at 1:18 AM
Father Greg, you brought such exitement and energy to our church. I speak for many parishoners in saying that we were so glad to have you with us. Those who judge will be judged in time. "The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, but the speech of the upright saves them" Proverbs 12:6
Father Greg, Man of God, Thank you!
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM
The first comment is a joke. Father Greg understands the modern world more than most. You must not know him or that comment would have never been posted. Maybe God will explain it to you when you walk up to the pearly gates.
"He who pursues justice and kindness will find life and honor"
Proverbs, 21:21
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM
What a pity, I was hoping Father Greg would stay with us FOREVER.
A christian should never mock a man of God but dont worry, we will pray for your soul.
Anonymous, at 6:56 PM
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