St Francis Q&A

Saturday, March 31, 2007

'Can I get a witness?'

Last night, we meditated on the Stations of the Cross and exposed the Eucharist for an hour of Adoration in the Church, as we have been doing every Friday night during Lent. Several of our fourth graders came to Adoration with their parents, and were very reverent and prayerful throughout the hour. At the end of the hour, I processed the Eucharist through the Church, giving benedictions to sections of the congregation. Another great experience with Jesus in the Eucharist, but especially with bringing his young ones to Him.

One of them emailed me last night- this is quite a witness from a 10 year old!

Dear Father Greg,Thank you for inviting me to Adoration.I enjoyed it a lot. It was almost as if Jesus was looking at me, and He was. I could actually feel Him looking at me. It made me feel very, very, VERY happy, and a little sad. Do you ever cry because you are so happy? (Do not answer that). Well, that feeling happened to me. I was trying very hard not to cry, but I did when I got in the car. I call that feeling "The Happy Sad Feeling". Again, thank you for inviting me to Adoration. I had a "good time".


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