A parishioner's blog
Check out this comment that Linda, a SFA parishioner, wrote earlier this week. It is one of the most inspiring and powerful comments I've read on a blog site:
"...I was so moved by so many of (your past discussion topics) and wanted to comment on each of them but decided to pick one that moved me the most and I have to admit it was regarding the Eucharist. Thank-you for your honesty and for sharing your very personal experiences. I wish more priests would share their own personal experiences, from the altar, about how they came to be enlightened over different matters. It helps us simple folk see that yes even our Priests had to start somewhere on their spiritual journey. And it is usually in the same place that so many of us are.... deep in sin.
As a Cradle Catholic, I too didn't realize what we truly believe to be receiving at communion. I learned this as a 35 year old going through the RCIA program to be confirmed. All adult catholics should have to go through the RCIA progam. To relearn, and many times start to learn, just what we truly believe. When I learned of the True Presence, I was stunned... WE BELIEVE THAT ??? And too asked the question how can that be? But deep down inside I wanted very much to believe that. Really, who wouldn't want to believe that every time we receive the Eucharist we are physically taking Christ into our very self. I NEED THAT. I NEED HIM IN ME TO HELP ME TO BE MORE LIKE HIM IN THIS WORLD. Of course I don't understand it. I can't explain how it happens.
But Christ said outright what it is we are receiving... and I believe. I will not be one of the many people who heard him say this and walked away because they didn't understand or it just sounded too horrible a thing. He didn't go after them and say...Wait, Wait don't go. I was just meaning that as a symbol. He let them walk away because they wouldn't believe his actual meaning. AND SO I BELIEVE IT BECOMES HIS TRUE BODY AND BLOOD, AND HE PHYSICALLY BECOMES JOINED WITH MY BODY EVERY TIME I RECEIVE. WOW !!!!! THANK-YOU JESUS FOR SOMETHING SO SIMPLE.
And yet after having just reaffirmed what I (and we as Catholics) believe, why don't I figure out how to get to Mass every single day of the week !!! I am caught up in the daily struggles of balancing work and family life. Oh how I wish I could start my days with receiving Christ but time committments just don't allow right now, and I hate to admit that. I am embarrassed to admit that. But for now I will try to get to Wednesday night mass and Sunday.
I am afraid there are many many cradle Catholics like ourselves (Ty Roach & myself) who also don't really understand what we are receiving at Communion. I am thankful to God that he enlightened me early enough in life (if you can say 35 is early)to maybe try to help share it with others and my kids.
I hope I haven't overstepped my blogging boundaries here.....please let me know if I have. It is just refreshing to hear others' stories. It reminds me of my own".
"...I was so moved by so many of (your past discussion topics) and wanted to comment on each of them but decided to pick one that moved me the most and I have to admit it was regarding the Eucharist. Thank-you for your honesty and for sharing your very personal experiences. I wish more priests would share their own personal experiences, from the altar, about how they came to be enlightened over different matters. It helps us simple folk see that yes even our Priests had to start somewhere on their spiritual journey. And it is usually in the same place that so many of us are.... deep in sin.
As a Cradle Catholic, I too didn't realize what we truly believe to be receiving at communion. I learned this as a 35 year old going through the RCIA program to be confirmed. All adult catholics should have to go through the RCIA progam. To relearn, and many times start to learn, just what we truly believe. When I learned of the True Presence, I was stunned... WE BELIEVE THAT ??? And too asked the question how can that be? But deep down inside I wanted very much to believe that. Really, who wouldn't want to believe that every time we receive the Eucharist we are physically taking Christ into our very self. I NEED THAT. I NEED HIM IN ME TO HELP ME TO BE MORE LIKE HIM IN THIS WORLD. Of course I don't understand it. I can't explain how it happens.
But Christ said outright what it is we are receiving... and I believe. I will not be one of the many people who heard him say this and walked away because they didn't understand or it just sounded too horrible a thing. He didn't go after them and say...Wait, Wait don't go. I was just meaning that as a symbol. He let them walk away because they wouldn't believe his actual meaning. AND SO I BELIEVE IT BECOMES HIS TRUE BODY AND BLOOD, AND HE PHYSICALLY BECOMES JOINED WITH MY BODY EVERY TIME I RECEIVE. WOW !!!!! THANK-YOU JESUS FOR SOMETHING SO SIMPLE.
And yet after having just reaffirmed what I (and we as Catholics) believe, why don't I figure out how to get to Mass every single day of the week !!! I am caught up in the daily struggles of balancing work and family life. Oh how I wish I could start my days with receiving Christ but time committments just don't allow right now, and I hate to admit that. I am embarrassed to admit that. But for now I will try to get to Wednesday night mass and Sunday.
I am afraid there are many many cradle Catholics like ourselves (Ty Roach & myself) who also don't really understand what we are receiving at Communion. I am thankful to God that he enlightened me early enough in life (if you can say 35 is early)to maybe try to help share it with others and my kids.
I hope I haven't overstepped my blogging boundaries here.....please let me know if I have. It is just refreshing to hear others' stories. It reminds me of my own".
Our Confirmation Class had their retreat at the Pope JPII Center this weekend, then confirmation class on Sunday evening. Much of our class discussion focused on the Mass, the Eucharist, and reverence; specificaly behavior when receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. These teens are so comfortable discussing the mysteries of their faith; I wish adults were that cofortale asking the same questions.
Here's a question from our confirmation class:
What about Limbo? Do unbaptized children still go to limbo? The Catechism (CCC 1261) says we have hope in Christ's mercy...but as Catholics, can we say the unbaptized children are in limbo..or heaven...or should we just be ok with not really knowing, but understanding that God is good (always!) and that it is in His hands.
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM
Our Confirmation Class had their retreat at the Pope JPII Center this weekend, then confirmation class on Sunday evening. Much of our class discussion focused on the Mass, the Eucharist, and reverence; specificaly behavior when receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. These teens are so comfortable discussing the mysteries of their faith; I wish adults were that cofortale asking the same questions.
Here's a question from our confirmation class:
What about Limbo? Do unbaptized children still go to limbo? The Catechism (CCC 1261) says we have hope in Christ's mercy...but as Catholics, can we say the unbaptized children are in limbo..or heaven...or should we just be ok with not really knowing, but understanding that God is good (always!) and that it is in His hands.
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM
Confirmation Class!! Thanks very much for checking out this site, and for leaving a question. Cool question, too!
The main answer comes from what you referenced in your question: #1261 of the Catechism. Specifically, "the great mercy of God...and Jesus' tenderness toward children... allow us to hope that there is a way of salvation for children who have died without Baptism. All the more urgent is the Church's call not to prevent little children coming to Christ through the gift of holy Baptism".
Jesus has said that Baptism is necessary for salvation (see Jn 3:3-5). The Church defines three ways for a person to be baptized: by water, by desire, or by blood. If a child who hasn't been baptized by water enters the kingdom of heaven, it is either by desire or by blood that he/she is saved.
Certainly, God would know if a child never heard about Baptism or never had the chance to choose to be baptized. This is where we believe that, in his great mercy, God would grant salvation to the child. Please keep in mind that "God has bound salvation to the sacrament of Baptism, but he himself is not bound by his sacraments" (CCC, #1257).
Fr Greg, at 12:53 PM
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